# # A tibble: 7 × 3
# day Customer Subscriber
# <ord> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Sun 0.198 0.144
# 2 Mon 0.137 0.163
# 3 Tue 0.144 0.172
# 4 Wed 0.104 0.125
# 5 Thu 0.0973 0.122
# 6 Fri 0.135 0.138
# 7 Sat 0.185 0.136
Appendix A — Task answers
Task answers
This page contains answers to the Task activities presented in selected chapters of the book.
A.1 From Chapter 2
Task 1
The completed data description table for the Citibike stations dataset.
Variable name | Variable value | Measurement level |
name |
“Central Park” | Categorical-nominal |
capacity |
80 | Ratio |
rank_capacity |
45 | Ordinal |
date_opened |
“2014-05-23” | Interval |
longitude |
-74.00149746 | Interval |
latitude |
40.74177603 | Interval |
Task 2
Code for exploring the proportion of trips made by day of week on user_type
A.2 From Chapter 3
Task 1
The completed encoding description table for the Washington Post election map (Figure 3.5).
Data item | Measurement level | Visual mark | Visual channel | Rank |
County location | Interval |
Lines | Position in x- y- | 1 mag:order |
County winner | Cat-nominal |
Lines | Colour hue | 2 id:category |
County flip from 2012 | Cat-ordinal |
Lines | 1D size | 3 mag:order |
County Swing fom 2012 | Ratio |
Lines | Tilt/angle | 4 mag:order |
State ‘winner’ | Cat-nominal |
Polygon | Colour hue | 2 id:category |
Task 2
Code to produce a set of histograms similar to those in Figure 3.8.
data_gb |>
ggplot(mapping=aes(swing_con_lab)) +
geom_histogram(fill="#003c8f") +
# Annotate with median Swing.
geom_vline(xintercept=4.44, size=.3)+
labs(x="Swing", y="count")+
Task 3
The code to reproduce the graphic in Figure 3.11.
con <- "#0575c9"
lab <- "#ed1e0e"
other <- "#bdbdbd"
data_gb |>
mutate(is_flipped=seat_change_1719=="Conservative gain from Labour",
is_flipped=if_else(is.na(is_flipped), FALSE, is_flipped),
winner_19 == "Conservative" ~ "Conservative",
winner_19 == "Labour" ~ "Labour",
TRUE ~ "Other"
)) |>
ggplot(aes(x=con_17, y=con_19)) +
geom_point(aes(colour=winner_19, alpha=is_flipped,
shape=is_flipped)) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1, size=.3) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c(con,lab,other)) +
scale_alpha_ordinal(range=c(.5,1)) +
scale_shape_manual(values=c(21,19)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,90)) +
labs(x="vote share 2017 ", y="vote share 2019")
A.3 From Chapter 4
Task 1
The code to reproduce the heatmap in the left column of Figure 4.6.
# Vector of vehicles in order they appear in graphic.
# Convert vehicle_type to factor to effect ordering.
order_type <- c("Car", "Taxi", "Bus", "Motorcycle", "Other","Van",
"HGV", "Bicycle")
# For new is_inner variable used to facet plot.
inner_boroughs <- c("Camden", "Greenwich", "Hackney",
"Hammersmith and Fulham", "Islington","Kensington and Chelsea",
"Lambeth", "Lewisham", "Southwark", "Tower Hamlets", "Wandsworth",
"Westminster", "City of London")
# Staged dataset where signed-chi residuals are created.
model_data <- ped_veh |>
filter(police_force == "Metropolitan Police" |
police_force == "City of London") |>
is_inner=if_else(local_authority_district %in%
inner_boroughs, "inner", "outer"),
vehicle_type=factor(vehicle_type, levels=order_type)
) |>
group_by(local_authority_district) |>
mutate(row_total=n()) |> ungroup() |>
group_by(vehicle_type) |>
mutate(col_total=n()) |> ungroup() |>
mutate(grand_total=n()) |>
group_by(local_authority_district, vehicle_type) |>
observed=n(), row_total=first(row_total),
col_total=first(col_total), grand_total=first(grand_total),
) |> ungroup()
# Find max residual value to ensure colour scheme is symmetrical on 0.
max_resid <- max(abs(model_data$resid))
# Plot heatmap.
model_data |>
y=reorder(local_authority_district, row_total))) +
geom_tile(aes(fill=resid), colour="#ffffff", size=.4) +
facet_grid(is_inner~., scales="free_y", space="free_y") +
scale_fill_distiller(palette="RdBu", direction=-1,
limits=c(-max_resid,max_resid)) +
Task 2
The code to reproduce the design challenge plots in Figure 4.12.
# Calculate crash freqs by IMD class of location,
# dark/daylight and casulty age.
plot_data <- ped_veh |>
age_of_casualty>0, crash_quintile != "Data missing or out of range",
light_conditions != "Data missing or out of range"
) |>
if_else(light_conditions == "Daylight", "daylight", "dark"),
levels=c("dark", "daylight"))) |>
group_by(age_of_casualty, is_daylight, crash_quintile) |>
summarise(count=n()) |> ungroup()
# Top plot.
plot_data |>
ggplot(aes(x=age_of_casualty, y=count)) +
geom_col(aes(colour=is_daylight), width=1) +
facet_grid(is_daylight~crash_quintile, space="free_y",
scales="free_y", labeller=labeller(c("daylight", "dark"))) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#08519c", "#c6dbef"), guide="none")+
labs(y="crash count in hundreds", x="casualty age") +
labels = scales::comma_format(scale = .01))
# Bottom plot.
plot_data |>
# Calcuate % crashes in daylight and expected daylight counts
# in each data item from this.
mutate(total=sum(count)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from=is_daylight, values_from=count) |>
prop_daylight=sum(daylight, na.rm=TRUE)/first(total),
) |>
pivot_longer(cols=c(dark, daylight),
names_to="is_daylight", values_to="count") |>
# Plot.
ggplot(aes(x=age_of_casualty, y=count)) +
geom_col(aes(colour=is_daylight), width=1) +
geom_line(aes(y=expected_daylight, group=crash_quintile),
colour="#737373", linewidth=.4) +
labeller=labeller(c("daylight", "dark")), nrow=1) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#08519c", "#c6dbef"), guide="none")+
labs(y="crash count in hundreds", x="casualty age") +
labels = scales::comma_format(scale = .01))
A.4 From Chapter 5
Task 1
- For jobs filled in the City of London (CoL) from which borough does the largest number of workers commute?
- Answer: Wandsworth (Wnd)
- For jobs filled in Camden (Cmd) from which borough does the largest number of workers commute?
- Answer: Barnet (Barnt), maybe Islington (Isl)
- Eyeballing the graphic, identify the top 3 boroughs which appear to have the most localised labour markets in terms of in-commuting?
- Answer: Bexleyheath (Bxl), Havering (Hvr), Barking and Dagenham (BaD). Also, Sutton (Sttn), Grenwich (Grn) look very localised.
A.5 From Chapter 6
The code to reproduce the annotated parallel-coordinate-plot in Figure 6.3.
# List of variables ordered ascending by correlation with leave.
order_vars <- cons_data |>
mutate(across(c(younger:heavy_industry), ~(.x-mean(.x))/sd(.x))) |>
names_to="expl_var", values_to="prop") |>
group_by(expl_var) |>
summarise(cor=cor(leave,prop)) |> ungroup() |> arrange(cor) |>
# Staged dataset of z-score transformed variables and variables
# identifying extreme Leave/Remain constituencies for highlighting.
plot_data <- cons_data |>
majority=if_else(leave>.5, "Leave", "Remain"),
across(c(leave, younger:heavy_industry), ~(.x-mean(.x))/sd(.x)),
decile=ntile(leave, 10), is_extreme=decile > 9 | decile < 2
) |>
majority, is_extreme, decile, constituency_name, leave, degree,
professional, younger, eu_born, no_car, white, own_home, christian,
not_good_health, heavy_industry) |>
# Change polarity in selected variables.
mutate(degree=-degree, professional=-professional, younger=-younger,
eu_born=-eu_born, no_car=-no_car) |>
pivot_longer(cols= c(leave:not_good_health),
names_to="var", values_to="z_score") |>
# Explanatory variable as factor ordered according to known assocs
# with Leave.
var=factor(var, levels=c("leave", order_vars)),
# Sample extreme constituencies, for Leave and Remain,
# each time plot is built.
annotate_data <- plot_data |>
filter(is_extreme) |>
group_by(decile) |>
sample_n(1) |> pull(constituency_name)
plot_data |>
ggplot(aes(x=var, y=z_score, colour=majority,
group=c(constituency_name))) +
geom_path(alpha=0.15, linewidth=.2) +
# Highlight extreme remain/leave constituencies.
geom_path(data= . %>%
filter(constituency_name %in% annotate_data),
alpha=1, linewidth=.4) +
data= . %>%
filter(constituency_name %in% annotate_data, var=="leave"),
aes(x="leave", y=z_score, label=str_wrap(constituency_name,15)),
size=3.5, vjust="top", hjust="centre", nudge_x=+.5
) +
scale_colour_manual(values=c("#b2182b","#2166ac")) +